2017 Africa video

2017 photos

Friday, June 9, 2017

Friday, June 9

This morning we visited the Leganga Disabled School right outside the city. We were immediately welcomed with big hugs and handshakes from every kid along with an enthusiastic "Jambo!" which means hello in Swahili. We played around with the kids for awhile, swinging them, dancing with them, or just holding them. Later we put on a puppet show depicting a crippled lamb at the birth of Jesus. 

In the afternoon we returned to the Huruma Children's Trust. Unbeknownst to us, the orphanage was shut down in March by the government. We found out on our arrival what happened. Right now, we are trying to figure out where the kids are, and what to do with the money and time we had designated for that orphanage. 

For the people who went on the trip last year, going back to Huruma was a emotional event. We had expected a grand reunion with kids that we had built a close relationship the year before, and finding the area practically abandoned was heartbreaking. We are happy to know that the children are probably in a better place, but we miss them dearly. 

Please pray for wisdom and discernment on how to use our new resources and for us to spread the love of Christ to Leganga as we return tomorrow. God bless! 

Love, Alexandra Mills for the group

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