2017 Africa video

2017 photos

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Saturday, June 18

Today there were a few tears as it was our last real day to work at Huruma Orphanage and visit the Leganga School for Disabled.  At Huruma, we got to see the fence going up along the line of concrete posts they have installed.  The fundi was almost done tiling the kitchen and had installed the new sink and covers for the oven.  Their playground equipment had been repaired and we were able to help put new mattresses on most of the bunkbeds.  We painted a good majority of one building and contracted with the fundis to finish it.  Our amazing artists, Alexandra, Callie, Brielle, Zack, Ruby, and Caroline did a great job once again painting some Bible verses and designs on the buildings.  They made it look very cheerful and inspiring in the short amount of time they had today.  We were also able to purchase some new sheets, mosquito nets, and cups as well as give them a lot of the children's clothing and items that so many of you collected and donated.  We were happy to see a lot of this work accomplished while we were still here.  All of these things needed to take place before they can reopen and were just too costly for them to handle on their own.  So thank you thank you to all of you who donated to make this possible.   They are thrilled that they will be able to get the children back soon once all the work is finished and were so very grateful to God for sending the help.  They send their sincere greetings and thanks to our team of supporters back home.  They will be sending a monthly report to us to keep us apprised of how they are doing and will send pictures once the fence and gate are complete.

We had a very late lunch and then headed over for one last visit to the Leganga School for Disabled.  We had taken pictures of all the children and their parents and teachers earlier this week and printed them out and delivered them today.  They were so very happy to have to these.  Through your generosity, we were also to help a group of about 9 widows who were taking care of these disabled children with a monetary gift.  They were so very grateful and also send their thanks.  The fundis had almost completed tiling their kitchen and installed the new stoves and had done excellent work.  They had also already covered the latrine we had dug with a concrete lid and had almost finished building the two new bathrooms we funded, one with handicap-accessible features.   They had also nearly finished tiling the two existing bathrooms.  It really was amazing how much got done in one short week.  It was only because of God and His calling for so many of you to help us raise funds for all these things.

Tomorrow we are heading off to three different churches and an afternoon of rest.  Many of our students will be sharing their testimonies tomorrow at church so please pray for them as well as our men who will be preaching.  Monday morning we will leave for safari.  Thank you again for all of  the prayers and support.  It is always amazing to see first hand all that God can do to bless people.


Jenni Millet

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