2017 Africa video

2017 photos

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Sunday, June 11

This may be short because the wifi has been off and on (mostly off) almost all day here.  Today we had an early morning 7 a.m. worship service at the Arusha Town Church that is hosting us.   We came back for breakfast and then headed out to see a local Snake Farm (clearly this was not my idea) and had an afternoon to relax.  Several of our group rode a camel or held a snake.  I chose to sit this one out for obvious reasons.  (Snakes). We then went to the local market where some of the church members have small shops and were able to find some souvenirs.  This evening we have been practicing for our VBS program, which will start Tuesday afternoon at the church.  Please pray that we would have many in attendance that need to hear the gospel.  The pastor made a point to tell the congregation this morning that they thought our program was excellent for the kids last year and that the teaching was great and  to make sure they invited any kids who don't normally come, so we are anticipating good attendance.

Tomorrow morning we will head back to Leganga School for Disabled to paint the kitchen area and continue digging a giant hole for a latrine, although yesterday they discovered a large rock at the bottom of the hole so we may have to use some physics and engineering skills on this one.  Jon and a few others will be meeting with some officials in town regarding the orphanage to determine how to proceed.  Please pray for clarity and wisdom to know where to focus our resources.  Everyone is doing well and enjoying working with the wonderful people here.

Thank you so much for your continued prayers

Jenni Millet for the group

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