2017 Africa video

2017 photos

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Wednesday June 14

Today our group started out with a devotion from Cousin Steve about having freedom in Christ.  We went back to the Leganga School for Disabled and Callie and Alexandra did a beautiful mural on the kitchen we have redone with Psalms 139:14 on it.  The disabled children were on break today so we gathered some of the regular ed. students and Candace Redden and some of the kids went through one of the VBS daily programs with all the music and stories and they loved it.  They did that for two different groups while others finished putting a footer around the latrine hole.  Brielle and Zach went through all of the photos we took of the disabled kids and their parents yesterday and picked out the best ones of each child to print.  Those of you who ever take or edit photos know what a tedious job that is so we were grateful for them.  We are going to print them all out while we are here and give them to them before we leave.  Our host Felix and I (Jenni) got to plant 2 banana plants they had bought in honor of our group as a small memorial.  We were told to come back next year and eat some bananas.

Jon, George, and Steve and Debbie Wolcott spent the morning back at the Huruma Orphanage assessing what needs they had that we could meet.  We are happy to report that we have the resources we need to fix their problems and get them reopened for their kids.  Tomorrow we are taking the entire group over there to start working.  We will be putting a perimeter fence around about 3 acres of their property, along with a gate for security.  We will be painting the building inside and out.  And their other need was to put sinks in their bathroom areas.  All of the things they were closed down for were fairly easily fixable, they just didn't have the resources to do them all.  Here in Tanzania, the orphanages are apparently not given money from the government for the care of the kids, so they rely on private donations and funds.  It seems as though God knew what they would need so we are stepping out in faith that this is what the Lord wants us to do.  We will not be able to finish all the work ourselves while we are here, but have hired fundis (workmen) to finish it out.  We are hoping to see the gate and fence installed before we leave, as well as the sinks, and will paint as much as we are able.  We would, of course, love to see the children come back while we are here, but will probably not be able to see that due to our limited time here.  We are looking forward to continuing our relationship with them in the future and seeing improvements each time that we come.

Tomorrow afternoon, we will be doing Day 3 of our VBS program at the church.  Thank you for your prayers.  Brielle was able to lead a young lady to Christ today while at VBS and that makes the entire trip worthwhile.  Please continue to pray that the Lord will use our team while we are here.

Thank you so much!


Jenni Millet

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