2017 Africa video

2017 photos

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Tuesday, June 20

Jambo from Roika tented camp!  All is well here and we are all enjoying our safari watching for animals.  Our lodge this year is an unfenced tented camp so there are animals that can roam right through including elephant, pumba, did dik,well.....actually anything.  They are very strict about walking from your tent to the dining hall or main areas with a guard after dark.  In fact, you are given a whistle with your room key just to call a guard to walk with you.  It is very relaxing listening to the sounds of the Bush as you fall to sleep.  Last night we were all able to share our thoughts about what the Lord has done through this trip.  We were also blessed to hear from our cousin, Missionary Steve, the infamous "ring story."  It has kind of become a tradition for him to share with the group each year and is an excellent story about the faithfulness of God.  If you haven't heard it or are wondering what it is, then you have to sign up to come with us next year, Lord willing.

Tonight will be our last night together as a group and we will be taking communion to dedicate this trip to God.  Tomorrow we will head back to Arusha to pick up the luggage we left at our hotel and will head to the airport.  Our first flight leaves at 8 p.m.  This will probably be the last post for this trip.

It has been such a privilege to work with this group of TCA students and sponsors.  They have been so hard-working and loving with all of the kids at the disabled school.  Many new friendships were made and others strengthened.   It has been an honor to be able to serve the people here on behalf of so many of you, our supporters, and on behalf of our Lord, Jesus Christ.  Our prayer continues to be that they did not see us as a group of Americans, but that they truly saw the love of the Lord being poured out on them.

Thank you so much for your prayers.  Please continue to pray for a safe journey home.


Jenni Millet for the group

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