2017 Africa video

2017 photos

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Sunday, June 18

Today was a fun day of worship at 3 different churches.  Several of our students gave their testimonies during the service and did a great job despite the large crowds and nerves.  We were all invited to have "chai" tea after our services with the pastors and church leaders.  We had a relaxing afternoon visiting a glass factory and village where they employ disabled people to make different handicrafts.  Tonight the hotel staff made an outdoor banquet for us complete with Tanzanian cake.  For those of you who don't know what that is, that is a roasted goat who is still looking at you.  This is a big honor here and was very good.

We leave tomorrow for Tarangire National Park where we will have some time to relax and debrief from all we have experienced in our short time here.  Thank you for your continued prayers for our group.


Jenni Millet

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