2017 Africa video

2017 photos

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Saturday, June 10

We started out today with a devotional from Ty Westfall reminding us to be bold in sharing the Gospel and a testimony from one of the hotel staff.  We headed back to the Leganga School for Disabled where we are digging a giant hole for a new latrine, which is currently deeper than Noah with his cowboy hat.  We are also cleaning and painting their cooking area, replacing their old, disintegrating stoves with new ones.  We spent a good portion of today scraping chipped paint and washing soot off of the walls so that we can paint them on Monday.  Of course, the highlight is always playing with the kids and getting to know them.  We learned that we are not that great at double Dutch jump rope but that Noah is a big hit playing the saxophone and Candace Redden is a child whisperer and full of great game ideas and activities!

We are still trying to get more information about the Huruma Orphanage, where we were hoping to work most of our time here.  Monday, a few of us will go talk with some officials to find out what exactly happened that they were shut down.  Tomorrow we will be going to the early early service at church (7 a.m.) and then taking a small break in the afternoon to visit the market.  The hotel where we are staying is very nice, quiet, clean, safe, and has good food so we are all doing well.  Thank you for your continued prayers!  This group of students is amazing!  They are hard working, inclusive, fun, and very kind.  Thank you for sharing them with us!


Jenni Millet 

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