2017 Africa video

2017 photos

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Hello from Africa!  We headed back to the disabled children’s school this morning.  It rained last night and was sprinkling when we arrived so the children were inside.  We brought color pages and crayons so they would have something to do while stuck inside.  You would have thought we brought them a treasure, that’s how happy they were.  Half of us played with the children and half of us finished adding the second coat of paint to the kitchen.  Tomorrow, we will add a Bible verse to it.  At the end of our time at the disabled school, we had a ceremony and dedicated 6 wheelchairs to the children that were unable to walk. One parent always carried her child strapped to her.  You could see the joy now that she could push her child instead of having to carry him everywhere.  We also gave them some of the donations of school supplies, wipes, soap, medicines and other great things.  They were so appreciative of the gifts.  Some of the parents made beautiful gifts for Jon and Jenni.  It was very touching ceremony.  God is so good.

After we left the disabled children’s school, we headed over to perform our very 1st day of Vacation Bible School.  We had about 50 children show up.  We are hoping and praying that they bring some friends tomorrow.  The theme was that each of them was made by God and that each of them was built for a purpose.  Our Bible Verse was: I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalms 139:14  We sang great songs, made crafts, and played fun games.  It went very smoothly and the children enjoyed it.  The TCA kids did an amazing job! 

Please pray for Jon, Steve, Felix, and George as they have another meeting scheduled with the government and the head of the orphanage.  Please pray specifically for wisdom and discernment as they are making some difficult decisions regarding this orphanage.  Please also pray that our VBS continues to go well and that others will come to know Christ through us.  Thank you so much for your prayers and support!  Candace Redden

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